Help Mary Get The Best Treatment Possible...

We would like to thank our friends at Automatic Car Credit for setting up an account at Zions Bank to help offset Mary's medical costs. As you can imagine, her cancer treatment is very expensive. Your heart felt donations will go towards getting her the best care possible...Mary, Erin and I are deeply touched by your generousity. We will do our best to make a difference in this world with the second chance you are giving us. We appreciate this more then you will ever know.

We love you all,

Dave, Mary & Erin

To Donate: Go to any Zions Bank. Make donation under the account "Mary Will Win Donation"

Update: Many of you have had problems with Zions finding this account. You must use the full account name which is

"Mary Will Win Donation" they will not be able to find it under anything less then those 4 words. Sorry for the confusion but thank you so much for your help!

Any donations that are not used to cover her medical expenses will be donated to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Follow Up Appointment With Surgeon - Pathology Results

We met with Dr Morrell at about 2:30 today. He removed the chest tubes and all 35 staples. The chest tubes have been bothering her more than anything else so she's very glad to have them gone. The pathology results on the tissues that were removed during surgery came back as good news...but not the best possible news. The lymph nodes did not have cancer in them but the small piece of chest muscle that he removed did. Dr Morrell said the tumor, which turned out to be only 2.5 cm. (great news!) formed very close to the chest muscle to begin with, so the fact that it grew into the chest muscle is not surprising. Thats just the way it grew. If it had been in the lymph nodes that would have been a sign that it was starting to spread to other parts of the body. He did not say it but I got the feeling from him that it would only have taken another couple of months to make it to the lymph nodes...but that's just speculation on my part. Dr Morrell and our Oncologist, Dr Gray, will discuss all of this and come up with a plan for the next battle. Most likely, the only additional treatment will be radiation to prevent any cancer re-growth on the chest muscle. Chemotherapy was already part of the plan and will continue to be a vital part. Our next appointment is with Dr Gray on March 1st to start the plans for Chemo. So...all things considered, this is good news.

Mary is up and around and feeling pretty good. Visitors are welcome...just give her a call or text first to let her know.

Thanks everyone...


Dave, Mary & Erin


  1. That is honestly great news that it didn't spread! Thank you for updating I have been checking every day sometimes every hour. Mary was an amazing person to work for but even more became a very close friend. Love you Mary!

  2. i too have checked multiple times a day... i love this blog and i am really glad for this news. her long road isn't over but this is a huge step in the right direction. love all of you!!!

  3. Wonderful about the lymph nodes! We'll keep praying that the radiation takes care of it. Love you, Mary!

  4. We are so glad to hear the good news. We will continue to pray for for you. Love ya, Tyalee

  5. Mary it was so wonderful to spend the day with you and Marsh. You are special friends-I read through your blogs and it just makes me so proud of you and Dave. You have great strength, I was so impressed with What Marsha said, "you have such a peace about you". I Know the Lord is blessing you with the peace of mind to be able to deal with all that is happening. You have always been a great example to me in my life, and you continue to be that example. I hope you have a good week ahead. Love ya-always Heather

  6. Such great news Mary! I am so happy! Now on to the next battle. You have tons of support that will continue through this next step. My kids pray for you in every prayer they say. Love you.

  7. Byron & Betty McLeeseFebruary 28, 2010 at 1:05 AM

    Bradley has kept me informed about new postings made to your blog. Betty has talked with Mary on the phone and greatly appreciates hearing from her. We are sorry for the setback, but perhaps the surgery will lessen some of the need for chemotherapy. You have our love and prayers for a full recovery.
