Help Mary Get The Best Treatment Possible...

We would like to thank our friends at Automatic Car Credit for setting up an account at Zions Bank to help offset Mary's medical costs. As you can imagine, her cancer treatment is very expensive. Your heart felt donations will go towards getting her the best care possible...Mary, Erin and I are deeply touched by your generousity. We will do our best to make a difference in this world with the second chance you are giving us. We appreciate this more then you will ever know.

We love you all,

Dave, Mary & Erin

To Donate: Go to any Zions Bank. Make donation under the account "Mary Will Win Donation"

Update: Many of you have had problems with Zions finding this account. You must use the full account name which is

"Mary Will Win Donation" they will not be able to find it under anything less then those 4 words. Sorry for the confusion but thank you so much for your help!

Any donations that are not used to cover her medical expenses will be donated to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Comments From Mom

Cancer....It's a word you hope you never hear in your lifetime. It strikes fear in the hearts of every man, woman and child. This disease doesn't care if  your religious, the color of your skin, or your standing in the community.

Our family, (25 of us), rallies for any occasion. We get together all the time because we love to!  So we were there for Dave, Mary and Erin. We had gotten all the information on breast cancer we could find and we knew if the Doctors were right she would get through this.

We alway's give our support, understanding, love, hugs and most of all laughter. But that night, Mary had the courage and the attitude that "it was just a boob!" And even though we were still sick in our hearts, she was the one that made "us" feel better.

The surgery is over now, she still has a battle ahead, but we will be here for Dave, Mary and Erin and just them knowing that, is half the battle.

As a mother I couldn't be more proud of my son's strength throughout all of this.  And Erin (she is 9) listened to every word the surgeon said and can change bandages and drain tubes with the best of us!!

My daughter Cris gave Mary a book "God is in the tuff stuff" by Bruce and Stan. It's a great book for all those who are in need of strength. A few excerpts:

     "God is with you when the going gets tough, but he's a perfect gentleman, he won't carry your load unless you ask him to."
      "He never promised to protect you from all hurt, but he has promised to be by
your side during every bit of it."

If I were to have a crisis in my life, I would want my sons and daughters to be by my side. They are totally knowledgeable in handling the steps needed to pull througth any and every situation that may come up. 
They do have a small problem with wanting to document everything on film however!!

We have every reason to believe Mary will get through this and soon be back to the same happy and giving person she has alway's been.



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