Help Mary Get The Best Treatment Possible...

We would like to thank our friends at Automatic Car Credit for setting up an account at Zions Bank to help offset Mary's medical costs. As you can imagine, her cancer treatment is very expensive. Your heart felt donations will go towards getting her the best care possible...Mary, Erin and I are deeply touched by your generousity. We will do our best to make a difference in this world with the second chance you are giving us. We appreciate this more then you will ever know.

We love you all,

Dave, Mary & Erin

To Donate: Go to any Zions Bank. Make donation under the account "Mary Will Win Donation"

Update: Many of you have had problems with Zions finding this account. You must use the full account name which is

"Mary Will Win Donation" they will not be able to find it under anything less then those 4 words. Sorry for the confusion but thank you so much for your help!

Any donations that are not used to cover her medical expenses will be donated to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19th - Mary Doing Well

Hey all,

It's been 3 days since the surgery and Mary is doing very well. She seems to be healing rapidly with very little least that she will know Mary. We have a follow up appointment with Dr Morrell, the surgeon, today at 2:00 pm. He will remove the chest tubes, which have been a real pain as you can imagine. Hopefully he will have the pathology report back from the lymph nodes and chest muscle he removed during surgery...cross your fingers and pray for good news. Of course, it may not be completed yet...just hoping! I will post an update as soon as we're done meeting with him.

So...the first step in this battle is just about complete. We still have a big battle ahead of us...chemotherapy next, which will start in about 4 weeks and last for about 6 months. I believe this is when she will need the most support. Please keep your positive thoughts and prayers coming...

We appreciate and love you all,

Dave, Mary & Erin

1 comment:

  1. So glad, Dave and Mary. I've been thinking of her and checking your blog daily to find out she is. I don't want to come over and bother her. Let us know when she's up for visitors. I'll be by tomorrow eve with dinner for your family.
