Help Mary Get The Best Treatment Possible...

We would like to thank our friends at Automatic Car Credit for setting up an account at Zions Bank to help offset Mary's medical costs. As you can imagine, her cancer treatment is very expensive. Your heart felt donations will go towards getting her the best care possible...Mary, Erin and I are deeply touched by your generousity. We will do our best to make a difference in this world with the second chance you are giving us. We appreciate this more then you will ever know.

We love you all,

Dave, Mary & Erin

To Donate: Go to any Zions Bank. Make donation under the account "Mary Will Win Donation"

Update: Many of you have had problems with Zions finding this account. You must use the full account name which is

"Mary Will Win Donation" they will not be able to find it under anything less then those 4 words. Sorry for the confusion but thank you so much for your help!

Any donations that are not used to cover her medical expenses will be donated to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010 Update - Small Setback...

Hey all,

Sorry there haven't been any updates for several was just good to be home with nothing new to worry about. Going forward I will try to post something every day. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Now for the update...We received a phone call from Dr Morrell, the surgeon, yesterday. The tumor board, which he is a part of, met early Thursday morning. Basically, the tumor board is a group of doctors; oncologists, radiologists, surgeons, etc. All are experts in cancer treatment. They meet each week and go over all of the cases and develop treatment plans for their patients. It's like getting a 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinion without having to visit each Dr. Anyway, after they all reviewed Mary's case, they felt like the best plan would be to go back in surgically and remove more lymph nodes and a little more of the chest muscle. When we originally talked with Dr Morrell after the surgery, he told us that there were some slight abnormalities in one of the lymph nodes but he thought the oncologist would most likely want to go after it with radiation and chemo. He did tell us there was a slight possibility that Dr Gray would want him to go back in surgically. They said that we could choose to just do the chemo and radiation but they felt like the "best" plan would be to go back in and make sure that we have it ALL...before we start the chemotherapy and radiation. This isn't because they missed something the first time, it's because the oncologists had not had a chance to review the final pathology report. Once they did, they all agreed that this was the best course of action. Dr Morrell did tell us that this surgery would be much more difficult and painfull, mainly because they are dealing with the chest muscle which has lots of nerve endings. The surgery is tentatively scheduled for March 8th or 9th. We will know an exact date on March 4th when we meet with Dr Morrell again. We also have an appointment with the oncologist, Dr Gray, on March 2nd so I will have some new info about all of this after that appointment.

Needless to say, yesterday was a pretty depressing day. Just when you think you've got the first bridge crossed they tell you that you must go back and cross the bridge in a different place! All that we can do is take it one day at a time and do our best to handle each challenge as we face it. Thank you all for your support and all of the nice comments...they are appreciated.

Love you all,

Dave, Mary & Erin


  1. Mary~been thinking of you and Dave and Erin a lot. You're always prayed for, and I know you know that, but I wanted to write it "out loud" so you can remember. This too shall pass, dear friend. Not for a little while, but it will pass. And you'll look back with laughter and relief. But in the meantime, know I love you~as most of the world does, because you're a delight to us all~and know that your Heavenly Father is mindful of you. I think you're one of his favorite. Else why would he waste so much time on you and your family? I love you! And you can do hard things! Love, Lisa

  2. set backs only make you stronger as you move forward. this one is minor and you'll cross this bridge as easily as you did the first time. love you and think of you always!!

  3. Well, sorry to hear about this little set back! Please call on us for anything you may need. We are just next door! I liked your analogy of the bridge crossing. Isn't it wonderful that we have bridges to cross troubled waters! It's a new bridge, but it will get you to where you need to go, away from troubled water and to health and safety. We continue to pray for you! Hang in there!!

  4. Good luck with this new setback. All I could think was how wonderful to have a whole team of doctors working on her case to make sure she gets the best possible care. That's awesome. I am glad they are being proactive to get everything, even if it means another surgery. We will still continue to pray and specifically for this next surgery.

  5. Mary and Dave, When we heard the lastest news a number of words entered my mind-none of which I will share with you. Mary, you know how strongly I believe in blessings so I know you will make it through this. Our family has become very close these past couple of years and I know one thing for sure-you can lean on us throughout your tough journey! Your support system is large and strong!We love to ralley for a cause. So even if we just get together to eat know that we are there for you guys. Just think of all the new photos Mike will take! We love you all so much! love Lori

  6. So sorry to hear about this set back Mary. I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! You are surrounded by so many that love you and want to help in ANY way that we can! Please let us know when the next surgery will be (although Karyn and Lisa give me almost daily reports) so that we can serve you! Love you and thinking of you and your family.

  7. Hi Mary,
    I just found Heather Allen on Facebook and was reading her posts when I came across the video she put together of you and friends. So fun to see you again. Those were great days and it was fun being friends way back then.

    I had no idea of the challenges you've had and are now facing. I wish you the best. I know the Lord hears and answers prayers. Pray and expect miracles.
    Love, Jolene (Peacock) Ipson

  8. Hey Mary,
    I've been thinking of you a lot lately. It seems that it's always darkest before the dawn. So, hang in there. The sun will shine again in your life soon! In the meantime, know our thoughts and prayer are with you!
    Lisa Marker
